It’s GM’s Day this week, which has—unsurprisingly—got me thinking about Gary Gygax, and how much I owe him. I’ve been gaming for 35 years, and roleplaying games have been one of the main parts of my life since I discovered them at the age of ten in my grandfather’s cellar. How the world turns.
Tag: Gary Gygax
Infravision—Another Example of Gary’s Cunning Awesomeness?
So I might be coming a little late to this party (having played D&D and AD&D for about 25 years before switching to 3rd edition and its spawn) but I recently discovered something very cool about infravision…
Continue reading Infravision—Another Example of Gary’s Cunning Awesomeness?
The Best Gaming Book of All Time?
GM Advice: Why is the Village of Hommlet So Awesome?
It seems strangely appropriate to talk about the Village of Hommlet and why it’s so awesome during the annual GM’s Day celebrations.

Continue reading GM Advice: Why is the Village of Hommlet So Awesome?
Player Advice: Adventuring Advice from EGG, the Master DM
Over the last forty years or so, the game of Dungeons & Dragons has evolved through many editions, versions and retro-clones. What haven’t changed, however, are the hallmarks of a skilled player.

Continue reading Player Advice: Adventuring Advice from EGG, the Master DM