Shattered Star #8: Passing Beyond the Doors

At the end of last session, we left our heroes standing over the bloodied, broken bodies of their enemies. However, our heroes were now grievously low on resources.

The Shattered Star

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Shattered Star #5: Heroic Explorations

At the end of last session, we left our heroes standing over the bloody and slashed corpses of their enemies. Taking stock of their victory, the party searched the bodies of the fallen and explored the nearby rooms. Finding nothing of particular interest, they pushed on into the irregularly shaped room the strange rat\human hybrid had been defending.

The Shattered Star

Continue reading Shattered Star #5: Heroic Explorations

Pathfinder Advice: How to Handle Zero Ranks in Knowledge

Knowledge is power, and canny adventurers learn all they can about their foes and where they live. However, sometimes it’s not that simple…

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

Continue reading Pathfinder Advice: How to Handle Zero Ranks in Knowledge