From the very moment of her birth, Aune’s life has not been her own. Warped by powers beyond mortal comprehension she was born of fire and blood and death.

A friend of mine posed a very basic question, last week. It was such a basic question, that I hadn’t even considered it before because the answered seemed —on the face of it— obvious. Simply put, why would the PCs enter a megadungeon like Gloamhold in the first place?
Continue reading Player Advice: Why Your Characters Could Explore the Megadungeon
Sometimes an adventurer is exactly what he seems. Others have a dark secret or secret motivation that compels them to a life of adventure.
Continue reading Player Advice: 9 Secret Motivations for Your PC
At the end of an adventure, the PCs rush back to civilisation, sell their loot and more often than not engage in an orgy of magic item purchasing. There are other things to buy, though, things that can be just as useful in the right situation as a magic cloak or ring…
Continue reading Player Advice: 6 Things Your PCs Can Buy That Aren’t Magic Items