Gygax On…A Player’s Most Important Ability

What’s one of a successful player’s key abilities? (Once you’ve thought of an answer, hit “Continue Reading” to see if you are right!

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

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What’s in an Adventurer’s Get Home Bag?

I’ve blogged quite a lot recently about encumbrance. One of the first comments on my Fallacy of the Adventurer’s Backpack post referenced a Get Home Bag. I was fascinated by the concept and did some research. A Get Home Bag is a bag of stuff you keep near to your person that holds the bare essentials required to get you home.

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

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What’s in an Adventurer’s EDC?

Urban adventures are an essential part of many campaigns. However, more than once in my campaigns I’ve had adventurers—or indeed entire parties—insist they are clanking around town with all their equipment, weapons and armour (just in case). Variously this can include full plate armour, lances (strapped to your back naturally) and more.

Krorz by Matt Morrow
Krorz by Matt Morrow


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