How Should I Prepare For My Sandbox Campaign?

Next month, we are restarting my Adventures in Shadow campaign, set in Gloamhold. (Hooray!) The campaign is going be much more of a sandbox campaign than we’ve recently run, and this presents a minor problem for me as I love to be super prepared for the game. So I thought I’d ask you, how do you prepare for a sandbox game?

Help me prepare my game, by leaving your advice in comments in the below.


Skull & Shackles #21: Heroic, Brave Vilimzair!

At the end of the last session, we left our heroes plotting to take back the Man’s Promise from Scourge and Plugg after they discovered that one of their number—Kanbrar—had decided to stay on the island.

Continue reading Skull & Shackles #21: Heroic, Brave Vilimzair!