What’s in an Adventurer’s Get Home Bag?

I’ve blogged quite a lot recently about encumbrance. One of the first comments on my Fallacy of the Adventurer’s Backpack post referenced a Get Home Bag. I was fascinated by the concept and did some research. A Get Home Bag is a bag of stuff you keep near to your person that holds the bare essentials required to get you home.

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

Continue reading What’s in an Adventurer’s Get Home Bag?

The Concept of CR-Appropriate Challenges is Too Ingrained in Our Minds

I’m beginning to have deep misgivings about the slavish adherence to CR-appropriate challenges in adventures. Of course, I’m not actually against CR-appropriate challenges; far from it. However, I’m beginning to think that any decent adventure should feature at least a few fiendishly tough and blindingly easy encounters.

Everything's Better With Tentacles (for the GM) by Matt Morrow
Everything’s Better With Tentacles (for the GM) by Matt Morrow

Continue reading The Concept of CR-Appropriate Challenges is Too Ingrained in Our Minds

House Rules Musing: Identifying Monsters

One of my players recently sent me the link for a jolly interesting conversation on the Paizo message boards. The thread was so interesting—and the generally suggested “rules fix” was so awesome—I immediately implemented it in my Borderland of Adventure campaign as a house rule.

Everything's Better With Tentacles (for the GM) by Matt Morrow
Everything’s Better With Tentacles (for the GM) by Matt Morrow

Continue reading House Rules Musing: Identifying Monsters

House Rule Musings: Disarming Magic Traps

Like almost every GM on the planet, I’ve got house rules. Some I use and some I just tinker with to sate my insane lust for design. For a long time with 3.5 D&D and then Pathfinder I never really thought about how adventurers find and remove traps. It was always a given that the party’s rogue would take care of that kind of thing—I never really wondered how rogues actually disable magic traps.

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

Continue reading House Rule Musings: Disarming Magic Traps