Freelance Advice: How to Work From Home

It’s a virtual certainty that as a freelance game designer you’ll be doing the bulk of your work from home. In theory, working from home is great. You don’t have to commute, there are no annoying work colleagues distracting you and your boss is not looking over your shoulder.

Anstey's Cove--One of the closest places from Raging Swan Global HQ to get a coffee
Anstey’s Cove–One of the closest places from Raging Swan Global HQ to get a coffee

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Getting Rid of That

Writing good RPG material combines both technical writing and prose writing, with one or the other taking precedence depending on whether you are writing “crunch” (rule mechanics) or “flavour” (things like a monster’s background or a village write-up).

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

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My Freelance Journey

One of Raging Swan Press’s intrepid freelancers, Alexander Augunas, writes a blog called Everyman Gaming. Since he started, he’s been posting loads of jolly interesting articles. One that particularly caught my eye was an article entitled “How I Became A Game Designer.” It was fascinating to read about his journey and I was inspired to write a similar post.


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GM Advice: How to Write Awesome Adventure Blurbs

A good adventure blurb is a critical part of the design process. No matter how good the adventure, a terrible blurb will have a devastating effect on your players’ level of engagement.

By William McAusland (Outland Arts)
By William McAusland (Outland Arts)

Continue reading GM Advice: How to Write Awesome Adventure Blurbs