Writing good RPG material combines both technical writing and prose writing, with one or the other taking precedence depending on whether you are writing “crunch” (rule mechanics) or “flavour” (things like a monster’s background or a village write-up).
Author: John Bennett
John Bennett is a freelance designer specializing in the Pathfinder RPG. In addition to his numerous work with Raging Swan Press, John currently serves as the line developer for Shadows over Vathak, a horror themed campaign setting for the Pathfinder RPG published by Fat Goblin Games. In his free time, he enjoys cigar, beer, and anime in that order. His online home is www.jbgamedesigner.com.
Freelance Advice: How to Find Inspiration and Make it Work
Designing new gaming material is not easy. As new products come out, you need to have to be increasingly creative to avoid repetition. Throw in other factors like writer’s block and tight deadlines; it’s sometimes a wonder that designers create any material at all!
Continue reading Freelance Advice: How to Find Inspiration and Make it Work
GM Advice: How to Design Solo Adventures
It’s game night — snacks are laid out, drinks are in the fridge, the minis are selected, the dungeon map is ready and you’re rearing to go. There’s just one problem — life happens and only one player shows up.