A PC is so much more than a set of stats and some equipment. A decent background is a fundamental part of any well developed character…

Continue reading Player Advice: How to Design Your PC’s Background
A PC is so much more than a set of stats and some equipment. A decent background is a fundamental part of any well developed character…
Continue reading Player Advice: How to Design Your PC’s Background
On the face of it, sitting around with friends rolling dice is a fun way to pass some time. When you think about it, though, the benefits of gaming run much deeper…
Gaming is awesome fun. It’s the high point of your week. Except when it isn’t…
Continue reading Gaming Advice: What To Do When It’s Not Fun
Amid the screams of pain and the clamour of battle it becomes clear our heroes cannot win this fight. With their resources running low and injuries mounting the party face a stark choice: retreat or die.