Better Dungeon Delving and You

Being able to whack things with a sword isn’t the only prerequisite of being a good adventurer. Sometimes, cunning, subtly, planning and diplomacy also come into play. And just as often, these facets of dungeon exploration are ignored in favour of “rushing in and slaying them all.” With that in mind, here’s a collection of handy links designed to make you a better dungeon delver.

If I’ve missed anything, please leave a comment below and help other adventurers not die during their next expedition.

Tips to Help You Prepare Modules Quicker and Better

Like me, I suspect you are a busy GM, who doesn’t have unlimited time to prepare for an upcoming session. I hate wasting time (as I seem to be perpetually short of it).

To that end, I’ve compiled three posts below dealing with preparing modules. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful and that they help you get through your session prep as quickly as possible.

Choice & Simplicity

In real life, I’m a big proponent of keeping things as simple as possible. Keeping the balance between too much and too little choice in gaming is tricky, but I think worth it. For example, I doubt I could run a multi-year using only the original D&D box set and conversely I wouldn’t even bother trying to run a Pathfinder campaign using any Paizo rules source. My head would explode.

Perhaps this quote above all others encapsulates my view on choice at my table:

Every thing should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

–Albert Einstein

With that in mind, check out these choice- and simplicity-based posts:


Shadowed Keep on the Borderland Retrospective

A couple of years ago, I wrote the Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands as a homage to the Moathouse from T1 The Village of Hommlet (perhaps a perfect low-level adventure). Before I started, I sat down and worked out what I wanted to achieve with the adventure and how I planned to achieve it. These four posts layout my evil scheme: