Borderland of Adventure #6: An Ill-Advised Brawl

At the end of last session, we left the party in an ancient crypt of Baklunish origin. One stone door hinted at other hidden areas beyond and, theorising that more undead and their treasures lay that way, the party tried to gain access. It quickly transpired that although the door was not trapped, rubble behind it made opening the door difficult. Eventually, the party managed to open it enough for Belivar to slip through.


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Borderland of Adventure #5: There and Back Again

At the end of the last session, we left our heroes charging into a room stuffed full of around 20 – 30 kobolds in pursuit of the tribe’s fleeing sorcerer chieftain. At the sight of such a large group of enemies, sanity broke out and the group bravely retreated from the kobold’s lair.


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Borderland of Adventure #4: Against the Kobolds

At the end of last session, the PCs were preparing to move further into the complex after heroically retreating from a strange watery creature that seemed impervious to their weapons.


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Borderland of Adventure #3: To The Sunless Citadel

At the end of last session, the PCs rested in Falcon’s Hollow after successfully saving the village from a terrible disease. However, their rest was to be relatively short as they heard that there was need of their services to the west in the village of Oakhurst. It seemed that a small band of adventurers had gone missing in the nearby Sunless Citadel and that the mother of two of the missing was offering a substantial reward for their safe return.


Continue reading Borderland of Adventure #3: To The Sunless Citadel