I know your edacious appetite for eldritch words is no ephemeral thing…

Last week, I presented some odd and bizarre words beginning with “D”. This week, I’m (shockingly) doing the “E” words!
- Edacious voracious, greedy
- Egregious exceptional
- Eldritch weird or hideous
- Elegy a mournful poem or song; a lament for the dead
- Embonpoint plumpness of person; stoutness
- Emprise a chivalrous of daring enterprise; adventure
- Enchiridon handbook
- Enervate to deprive of strength and vitality
- Ennead a group of nine
- Ensanguined to cover or stain with blood
- Enscroll to enchant or bewitch
- Ephemeral short-live, lasting but a day
- Escutcheon shield, especially a heraldic one that displays a coat of arms
- Evanescent fleeting, vanishing, impermanent
- Exoteric intelligible to outsiders
- Eyethurl window
More Cool Words?
Do you know other cool, but odd, words beginning with the letter “E”? If you do, share them in the comments below and add to your fellow gamers’ vocabulary!
I only noticed them today, but I’m glad you brought back the words! 🙂
Thanks, I loved Cool Words for Gamers and I really fancied resurrecting them.