Last night, we restarted my Adventures in Shadow campaign set primarily in the city of Languard and the benighted, shadowy halls of Gloamhold. It’s been a long time since I’ve lurked in the deep shadows behind my GM’s screen and I had a ball.
Category: Pathfinder
How Should I Prepare For My Sandbox Campaign?
Next month, we are restarting my Adventures in Shadow campaign, set in Gloamhold. (Hooray!) The campaign is going be much more of a sandbox campaign than we’ve recently run, and this presents a minor problem for me as I love to be super prepared for the game. So I thought I’d ask you, how do you prepare for a sandbox game?
Help me prepare my game, by leaving your advice in comments in the below.
Update #2: September’s 30,000 Word Challenge and the Forsaken Demesne
If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know September is my 30,000-word adventure month, in that my plan is to write a 30,000-word adventure from scratch by the end of the month. Well, I’ve got some exciting news!
Continue reading Update #2: September’s 30,000 Word Challenge and the Forsaken Demesne
Goblin PCs Suck! (Or Do They?)
If you are a Pathfinder player you would have to live under a rock to not know about the new edition blitzkrieging toward the community.
Skull & Shackles #22: Death to Plugg & Scourge
At the end of the last session, we left our heroes—led by the heroic Vilimzair Aralivar—battling for control of the Man’s Promise.
Continue reading Skull & Shackles #22: Death to Plugg & Scourge