I’ve thought a lot about complexity (and simplicity) in campaign and adventure design recently. I’ve previously posted about the Paradox of Choice and KISS, but I can’t seem to shake the allure of simplicity.
Category: Gaming Advice
Posts containing gaming advice
12 Ashlarian Whispers & Rumours
My Adventures in Shadow campaign will soon be re-starting. I can’t get back into the action. After all, Gloamhold represents–essentially–my perfect campaign: Conan vas. Cthulhu in a Megadungeon!
Update #2: September’s 30,000 Word Challenge and the Forsaken Demesne
If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know September is my 30,000-word adventure month, in that my plan is to write a 30,000-word adventure from scratch by the end of the month. Well, I’ve got some exciting news!
Continue reading Update #2: September’s 30,000 Word Challenge and the Forsaken Demesne
Update #1: September’s 30,000 Word Challenge and the Forsaken Demesne
At the end of last week, I blogged about the Forsaken Demesne of the Demon’s Cultists and my September 30,000-word challenge. Loads of people asked be kept apprised of my progress and so without further ado, I give you my first update!
Continue reading Update #1: September’s 30,000 Word Challenge and the Forsaken Demesne
The Forsaken Demesne and the 30,000-Word Challenge
September seems to be a month full of gaming and writing goodness for me. It’s going to be an awesome month!
Continue reading The Forsaken Demesne and the 30,000-Word Challenge