At the end of last session, we left our PCs plotting their next move. With the silver pools no longer functioning, the party decided to return to the highest part of the island to investigate the northern beach and the canal that so mysteriously disappeared into a dark cave.
Tag: From Shore to Sea
Shattered Star #52: Twisted & Confused
At the end of last session, we left our heroes debating their next course of action. After much to and fro they decided to rest overnight in the ruined tower Sarif had scouted several hours ago.
Shattered Star #51: A Worsening Affliction
At the end of last session, we left our heroes after they’d just reached the top of the final escarpment barring their way to the centre of the island. The large square building was within their sight, when they got distracted…
Shattered Star #50: The Ancient, Ruined Island of Nal-Kashel
At the end of last session, we left two of our heroes in grave peril. Both paladins had fallen into the rough sea and, clad in heavy armour, were rapidly sinking to their deaths.
Continue reading Shattered Star #50: The Ancient, Ruined Island of Nal-Kashel
Shattered Star #49: Questing Tentacles of Doom
At the end of last session, we left the party in a perilous position. They were battling a gigantic shark that had been trying to eat a rowing boat (and the desperate sailor therein).
Continue reading Shattered Star #49: Questing Tentacles of Doom