I’ve thought a lot about complexity (and simplicity) in campaign and adventure design recently. I’ve previously posted about the Paradox of Choice and KISS, but I can’t seem to shake the allure of simplicity.
Tag: Gaming Advice
Be Awesome at Dungeon Design is Awesome!
Be Awesome at Dungeon Design (Augmented Edition made it to #3 in Endzeitgeist’s Top Ten of 2017. To celebrate it’s the Deal of the Moment at Raging Swan’s Shop.
Horror on the Hill is a Criminally Underrated Module
I’ve previously blogged about 4 Overlooked TSR Modules You Should Run. One of those adventures is the excellent B5 Horror on the Hill.
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Scratching the Surface: A New Approach to Mapping
In the 20+ years I’ve been running tabletop RPGs, there has always been one facet of the classic dungeoncrawl/hexcrawl game I’ve struggled with: mapping. Or, more precisely, conveying the information on my DM map to the players. I’m sure you’re familiar with the situation.
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4 (Surprising?)Things to Take to a Convention
If you know me at all, you’ll know I like to be organised and prepared. I like to have a plan. This is as true in gaming as it is real life.
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