Borderland of Adventure #20: Fall of a Hero

At the end of the last session, we left our heroes in the midst of a pitched battle with the orcs of Khundrukar. The party had dodged into a secret door and discovered a corridor at the end of which another secret door enabled access to a barracks.


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Borderland of Adventure #19: Beyond the Gate

At the end of last session, the party were cautiously approaching the abandoned hold of Khundrukar by traversing a weathered and eroded dwarven road as it spiralled up a rocky hill known locally as The Stone Tooth.


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Borderland of Adventure #18: To Blasingdell

At the end of last session, our heroes finally completed their exploration of The Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands. At the end of the session, the party returned to the nearby frontier town of Piren’s Bluff to rest, recuperate and plan before turning their attention to the lost home of the famed dwarven smith Durgeddin the Black. BoA Continue reading Borderland of Adventure #18: To Blasingdell