Ever had a burning desire to know what “drawcansir” means and why it’s the perfect nickname for a careless wizard? Read on!
Last week, I presented some odd and bizarre words beginning with “C”. This week, I’m (shockingly) doing the “D” words!
- Daedal skilful, artistic; intricate; adorned with many things
- Dandiprat a silly little fellow or urchin
- Darg a day’s work
- Dark Lantern a lantern with a shutter device enabling its light to be hidden
- Darraign prepare someone to fight; to fit someone out for battle
- Dehiscent a rupture or splitting open of an organ or structure to discharge its contents
- Delitescent hidden, concealed
- Devilshine demonic power or skill
- Digladiation a combat with swords; any quarrel or contest
- Dilatory tending or intended to cause delay; characterised by procrastination; tardy
- Dimpse the dimming of daylight, twilight
- Dingle a shaded dell, a hollow between hills
- Disputatious inclined to dispute; provoking debate; controversial
- Doughty hardy, resolute
- Dragoman a professional interpreter or guide
- Drawcansir someone who kills or injures both friend and foe
- Dretch to torment, or to be troubled in sleep
- Drong a narrow lane or alley
- Drossell a slut, hussy
- Duffer dull or incompetent person
- Dumple to bend or compress into a dumpy shape
- Dun a brownish-grey colour
- Dweomercraeft juggling, the magic arts
- Dyad a group of two; couple
More Cool Words?
Do you know other cool, but odd, words beginning with the letter “D”? If you do, share them in the comments below and add to your fellow gamers’ vocabulary!
Defenestrate: to throw something or someone out the window.