Making characters is fun, but sometimes the minutia of mundane equipment is boring, repetitive and takes a lot of time to sort out – time that could be better spent adventuring!

Of all the facets of character design, purchasing mundane equipment is perhaps the least thrilling. If you are crunched for time, or just can’t be bothered to pick your PC’s mundane equipment, use the pre-selected equipment bundles presented below to get you playing faster.
Each equipment bundle comes with total cost and weight listings (for both Small and Medium characters) so you can see at a glance if your PC can afford to buy (and carry) the listed equipment.
None of the equipment loads includes armour or weapons, because these purchase are too character-specific to list in generic equipment loads. (That said, every character should carry at least one dagger).
Basic Starting Bundle
Cost 17 gp, 6 sp, 5 cp; Weight Medium 26 lbs., Small 9 lbs.
- Worn: traveller’s gear, wooden holy symbol.
- Backpack (contains bedroll, trail rations [4], waterskin, bag of caltrops, sack)
- Belt Pouch I: (contains candle, flint & steel, whetstone, scroll case, parchment [2])
- Belt Pouch II: (tindertwig [2], sunrod, chalk [2])
Augmented Starting Bundle
Cost 29 gp, 6 sp, 5 cp; Weight Medium 41 lbs., Small 24 lbs.
- Worn: traveller’s gear, wooden holy symbol.
- Backpack (contains bedroll, trail rations [4], waterskin, bag of caltrops, sack, piton [5], hammer, 50 ft. hemp rope)
- Belt Pouch I: (contains candle, flint & steel, whetstone, scroll case, parchment [2])
- Belt Pouch II: (tindertwig [2], sunrod, small steel mirror, chalk [2])
Clerics’ Bundle
Add these items to the basic starting bundle or augmented starting bundle.
Cost 135 gp; but assuming you don’t buy a wooden holy symbol for your starting bundle you save 1 gp!; Weight Medium 12 lbs., Small 7 lbs
- Cleric’s vestments
- Silver holy symbol
- Holy water [2]
- Healer’s kit
- Spell component pouch
Thieves’ Bundle
Add these items to the basic or augmented starting bundle. If you’re using the basic starting bundle, add pitons and a hammer to your load).
Cost 412 gp (+70 gp if using masterwork thieves’ tools); Weight Medium 25 lbs., Small 15 lbs (+1 lb. if using masterwork thieves’ tools)
- Thieves’ tools
- Climber’s kit
- Disguise kit
- Crowbar
- Magnifying glass
- 50 ft. silk rope
- Smokestick [2]
- Antitoxin [2]
Optional Extras
- Light source
- Spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs.)
- Spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs.)
- Thieves’ tools (30 gp, 1 lb)
Wilderness Travel
For extended wilderness travels, add these items to your equipment list.
Cost 28 gp; Weight Medium 54 lbs., Small 19 lbs.
- Explorer’s outfit
- Tent
- Winter blanket
- Trail rations (7 days)
- Waterskins (2)
- Shovel
no chalk ?
also this – who doesnt love cake
The only question mark about this article is the total cost for thieves gear – 412gp, +70 if you want MW? No starting character is ever going to have access to this kind of money, even if the party clubs together. Is this figure intended to be for a 2nd+ level character perhaps?
You are right! I should have said that the thieves’ kit was not for starting characters – it’s something to shoot for when you’ve got the cash!
There’s one way — take the trait “Rich Parents”, it changes your starting gold to 900.
I like that trait. I’ve taken it myself in the past.
In my reading of p. 79 of the CRB, the initial spellbook is free (but not weightless). I do allow players to opt for a traveling spellbook (APG) instead, of course, so weight can vary.