Skull & Shackles #17: Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance…

At the end of last session, we left our heroes plotting their assault on the grindylow lair. In typical fashion, our heroes crafted a clever plan to assail the lair and then immediately abandoned it!

Continue reading Skull & Shackles #17: Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance…

Skull & Shackles #16: So Much Blood, So Much Horror, So Much Fire…

At the end of the last session, we left our heroes in a perilous situation. Things seemed grim and the end was near. Several of the group looked to be on the verge of fleeing when Vilimzair stepped forward and steadied their nervous with a rousing song of daring-do and heroics.

Continue reading Skull & Shackles #16: So Much Blood, So Much Horror, So Much Fire…