I’ll Write 131,000 Design Words in 2019

You might be thinking, “But Creighton, that’s just madness. Your fingers won’t be able to take the strain!” Have no fear, my fingers are made of stern stuff and I’ve been training them for years. They’ll struggle through. 

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Adventures in Shadow #013: What Happens Below Greystone…

The party rested for the balance of the week in Languard. Several had business about the city, and they were in no rush to return to Greystone’s tumbled ruins. 

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State of the Swan 2019

Last year was a year of both growth and change, for Raging Swan Press. Looking back over the last 12 months in some ways it’s been a more turbulent year than almost any other in Raging Swan Press’s eight-year history. That said, Raging Swan Press has managed to grow despite battling some pretty serious “headwinds”.  (Gosh, don’t I sound professional and businesslike!)

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Adventures in Shadow #012: Back to Languard

The two surviving, hideously deformed humans fled down the narrow passageway and some of the party gave chase. The passageway twisted and turned and eventually came out into the room featuring the low cyclopean wall surrounding the shaft leading deep down into the Mottled Spire’s living rock. Orm and Jeremiah reached the shaft at almost the same instance. Jeremiah’s keen eyesight picked out one of the party’s enemies staggering down the spiral stair girdling the shaft. A dagger flew from the rogue’s hand to strike the badly injured warrior. With only a small cry, the warrior tumbled into the shaft and was gone. Even Jeremiah’s keen ears did not hear the falling body land and this horrible realisation later led to much fevered conjecturing as to how far down the shaft actually descended.

Continue reading Adventures in Shadow #012: Back to Languard

Adventures in Shadow #011: Danger Above & Below

Making their final preparations, the party crept closer to the door leading into the manor’s single tower. Sadly, they were not stealthy— Thangrimm in particular making a tremendous amount of noise as he moved into position. A quasi-feminine shriek came from inside the tower, “Go away, or I will kill you!” Of course, this threat did little to deter the brave and heroic adventurers and so Orm—confident in his own prowess and general manliness—entered the tower to speak with the shrieking harridan within. 

Continue reading Adventures in Shadow #011: Danger Above & Below